Sunday 27 April 2014


Daniel Goleman is an author, psychologist and science journalist. His most famous book titled “Emotional Intelligence” was published in the year 1995.  He is the founder of SEL movement (Social and Emotional Learning) which aims at developing life skills in children by imparting emotional literacy. His next book titled “Working with Emotional Intelligence” was published in 1998. His latest book is titled “Ecological Intelligence”.  Times magazine lists “Ecological Intelligence” as one of the 10 ideas changing the world right now.
Daniel Goleman says that two great scientists Paul Ekman and Seymour Epstein have introduced a scientific model of the emotional mind. Paul Ekman is the head of the Human Incisco and Seymour Epstein, a clinical psychologist at the University of Massachusetts in the US. They say that most of our words and deeds have been emotionally driven. In our day to day life we are reasonable at one moment and very irrational next moment. The scientific model of the emotional mind explains that most of our works are being done emotionally.
The emotional mind differs from the rational mind in various ways. The emotional mind is far quicker than the rational mind. The emotional mind comes from the heart and jumps into action so quickly that there is no time for thinking. The great advantage of an emotional mind is that it can understand an emotional reality in brain time. On the other hand rational mind is slow to act because it takes time to think and analyse the situation properly. Thus the hall mark of emotional mind is its speed or quickness. This quality of emotional mind to observe dangers around him in a split of second (brain time) makes man superior to all other creatures in the universe. Thus the emotional mind is our radar for danger. This is why our forefathers survived the dangers in old times.
There is also a second kind of emotional reaction, slower than the quick response. This is called the second pathway. It comes from the brain whereas the first quick emotion comes from the heart. This second pathway of emotions is very slow, rational and there is thought-cognition play.  And a fitting emotional response follows. Ex. “That taxi driver is cheating me”, “This baby is adorable” etc. This is the attitude of the rational mind which is slow but thoughts-cognition play is the most important element of it.
Daniel Goleman says that there is a third kind of emotional reaction which is called “bidden emotions”. These types of emotions are used by actors. They use “intentionally manipulated feelings”. This is the stock-in-trade of actors, like tears that come when sad memories are intentionally made for their effect on the stage. Feeling through thinking (thoughts-cognition play).This is also called rational mind.  Actors can easily make reflections of various emotions on their faces and actions as they liked, but we cannot bring such emotions so easily because we think and response accordingly. We cannot act. Rational mind usually does not decide what emotions we should reflect on our face and actions. Instead our feelings come to us without our consent. The feelings are naturally appeared even without our knowledge. But actors can bring various feelings at their will.  This is the difference between intentionally manipulated feeling and slow paths to emotions.
Daniel Goleman says that emotional intelligence can be used for the benefit of individual and society. EI can be used as social skill. It is called “emotional judo”. It is our ability to calm distressing emotions in others such as anger, sorrow, disappointment etc. We should be able to distract the angry person, empathize with his feelings and take him to an alternative focus that enables him a more positive range of feeling. To be successful in life, one requires the effective awareness, control and management of one’s own emotions and those of other people. Emotional intelligence includes four types of abilities. They are (a) perceiving emotions in faces, pictures and voices. (b) Using emotions to various cognitive activities such as thinking and problem solving. (c) Understanding emotions or emotion language in complicated relationships and (d) managing emotions in both ourselves and in others. Emotional intelligence is connected with concepts of love and spirituality, bringing compassion and humanity to work.
Aikido is a kind of martial art just like “Karate”, Kalarippayattu etc. Aikido is originated in Japan. All kinds of martial arts are used only for self- defence. It should not be misused for attacking others. Aikido is the art of reconciliation.  This martial art should not be misused for taking revenge upon others. These are principles behind the use of the martial art Aikido.
Daniel Goleman the great psychologist and science journalist narrates an anecdote as an example for the emotional brilliance- how an old Japanese skilfully handled a drunkard using the fine art of emotional intelligence which is called “emotional judo”.  Terry Dobson went to Tokyo to learn the martial art Aikido. One day while he was returning home on a train, a drunken labourer was very violent and began to disturb the passengers. Terry was ready to fell the drunk in a moment if he made violence. An old Japanese man showed emotional brilliance. He talked to the drunkard, showed sympathy to him and empathised with his feelings and asked him to sit beside him. The drunken labourer was at first surprised and shouted back to the old man angrily. But the old man continued to speak to him cheerfully and told him that every evening he and his wife drank “sake” in the garden. They sat under the persimmon tree in his backyard. Slowly the drunk’s face began to soften as he listened to the old man and said that he also loved persimmon tree. The old man replied in a sprightly voice “ and I am sure you have a wonderful wife”. This time the labourer said that his wife died and he began to tell him his sad story and sobbed. The old man comforted him. They continued to talk and finally the drunk rested his head in the old man’s lap when Terry Dobson got down at his stop. The fine art of emotional intelligence is far greater a weapon in emergency than any type of martial arts and physical strength!
Paul Ekman has made great contributions to the understanding of emotions. He has developed a scientific model of the emotional mind and this system explains that most of human actions are emotionally driven. Sometimes man is highly reasonable in his words and deeds and the next moment he is very irrational.  He says that the emotional mind is quicker than rational mind and even without our knowledge the emotions are developed into action and they can read an emotional reality in brain time and they are highly adapted to the emotional situation. Paul Ekman has developed a system for detecting emotions from minute changes in facial expressions. Using this system he can track micro-emotions such as anger, fear, threat etc. that flash across the face in less than half second. Similarly the physiological changes of a given emotion also take only fractions of a second. He says that the full heat of an emotion is very brief, lasting just seconds because it is very dangerous for the human health to last an emotion for more than a second. If the intense emotion is continued for a long time, our feelings would be poor guides to action. By developing our emotional intelligence, we can be more productive and successful and help others to be more productive and successful in life.
My dear student, Study this note well. I have answered all the questions in your text page 60-61. Prepare your own answers and I wish you all success in this exam and also in your life. May God bless you and your family members! Kjt/16-03-2013